Following social media outrage that greeted its decision to suspend Nollywood movie, "Sugar Rush" from showing in cinemas, the Nigerian Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) has decided to give reasons for stopping the screening of the movie.
The suspension of the movie, which hit cinemas on December 25, 2019, has since become a trending topic on Twitter, as Nigerians clamoured for the return of the movie in cinemas with #BringSugarRushback.
Reacting to the outrage, NFVCB has released a statement on its Facebook page saying, 'Sugar Rush' was suspended in cinemas due to the expiration of the temporary approval given for the movie exhibition.
According to the Executive Director of the Board, Adedayo Thomas, he took responsibility for the final approval of the movie with claims that he was preoccupied with extant responsibilities.
He wrote; “It has come to our notice that #BringBackSugarRush is currently gaining momentum on Twitter with many speculating a ban on the movie ‘Sugar Rush’ and presuming the supposed action as a sign of government’s intention to stifle creativity.
“The movie has not just significantly increased box office revenues within a short period but has improved our cinematic culture which is sine qua non for attracting the investment we so much desire as a nation.”
“I, however, take responsibility for the gap in communication and the delay in granting final approval as the temporary approval given for the movie exhibition expired before we could release an official statement due to my preoccupation with extant responsibilities and a backlog of movies requiring approval as a result of the December rush.
“I am currently working with the distributor, producer, director and key actors to grant final approval for the resumed exhibition at cinemas.”
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