20-year-old reality star, Kylie Jenner, recently welcomed her first child with Travis Scott. The youngest Kardashian-Jenner sibling had never confirmed her pregnancy. She also stayed off social media until she delivered her baby. Here is her post on Instagram: "I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark through all the assumptions. I understand you're used to me bringing you along on all my journeys. My pregnancy was one I chose not to do in front of the world. I knew for myself I needed to prepare for this role of a lifetime in the most positive, stress free, and healthy way I knew how. There was no gotcha moment, no big paid reveal I had planned. I knew my baby would feel every stress and every emotion so I chose to do it this way for my little life and our happiness." "Pregnancy has been the most beautiful, empowering, and life-changing experience I've had in my entire life and I'm actually going to miss it," she said. "I appreciate my frie...